Monday, October 21, 2013

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

Now that we have a basic understanding of what I consider three of the most confusing words in Christianity, how about we begin exploring concepts.

This concept is not a new one. And, since I attended a christian university, I have also found it is widely debated. I have heard people say things like, "the phrase should be changed to 'Love the Sinner and Accept the Sin'." Or one of my favorites, "Love the Sinner and Forgive the Sin."

I hate to tell you this, but you are not God. You cannot forgive Sin. But you can be His love to others. And that is what I believe this phrase is really about.

I hate Sin. Now, I know the word hate is a strong word. But based on the definition of sin I have already given you, I hope you understand that hating Sin is a side effect of me carrying Christ's love within me. How could I possibly feel anything but hate for something which hurts you or causes you pain? I can't. It is impossible.

Let me explain.

One of my best friends in the entire world is bi-sexual. He is actually more like another piece of me. He understands the artists heart inside of me. And he can read the emotions between the lines of my letters and call me out on my crap even though we have been unable to see each other in person for over 10 years. His family moved away when we were in Jr. High. And we have been pen pals and then e-mail pals and phone pals ever since. Because in truth, I don't know where I would be without him. He was a source of my strength during my mother's illness. So much so, that I still feel like I could never pay him back for keeping me sane in such a trying time.

Ironically, he considers me one of the few people who really knows and loves him.

I know what you are thinking, yes it is ironic. How can someone who believes homosexuality, in any form, is a sin, possibly have a best friend who is bi-sexual? Easily. He is my best friend. His sexual orientation is not something I judge him on. He has actually said that to me. And I am so grateful the Lord taught me how to love. Because I cannot possibly imagine losing my best friend over something I have no right condemning him for.

But I try not to judge anyone. It is not my place to judge. I am NOT God. Which is something I am very thankful for. What you do; what sins you commit are between you and God. I am called to love you no matter what. And that is what I do with my friends. And I try very hard to do that with everyone I know. No matter what, I will love you. Because Christ did, does and always will love you.

You and I are sinners. God loves us. Therefore we must also love each other. No matter what.

However, sin is that which separates us from God and causes mental, physical, spiritual or emotional damage to us as we walk this earth. Therefore, I cannot tolerate sin. I must hate it. I am compelled to hate it, because I love you. Because I love you, I cannot love that which hurts you.

So, I support the concept of loving the sinner and hating the sin. And I will continue to support the phrase as a true way to love one another.

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