Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Letter of Introduction

Dear Reader,
I have often felt that it is only with the heart that one can even begin to write. For the heart is the conduit God uses to reach us. So, I believe it to only be proper if I lay my heart before you in this first post and then you may judge for yourself if you will continue to pursue conversation with me, or stop here. Neither decision is held against you. For I publish this blog only because I feel that I must. I must write of the thoughts in my head or live with the knowledge that I have kept locked up those things which God has given me to ponder.

For ponder is what I do. And I do so Passionately. My mind is as a beehive. Active. And filled with small compartments which each function to consider the bigger picture. But I am not one who sees the big picture in life. I see several small ones. And really, honestly, I see no pictures at all. I see stories. I hear them. Every thread of life which blends together to create this picture in which we live. We are a tapestry and each thread is a life; a story. Your story. My story. They are what matter. No man or woman lives without having told a story.

I am a writer. This is truth. Words pour forth from my body as if they were my life's blood. This is what God has given me. And it is for this gift that I thank Him daily. For how else does one live? And live I do. By writing. And also, by consuming as much of the written word as humanly possible. I have not the time nor the length of days to enjoy as much of literature as there is available. And I have not the ability to listen to every story. Oh, but how I do try. I can sit and listen to my friends and "see" their stories. I hope my own will someday be worth the telling. If only because I hope that I can live a life of worship to God.

Everyone has those little sayings that they write over and over again in Yearbooks. You know: "I am signing your crack" or "Have a Great Summer." Well in High School I began writing this phrase, "Remember my friend, it is not the beginning or the end that matter. But rather, who affected you and whom you affected along the journey that truly matters." I believe it is only now, nearly 8 years later, that I begin to understand what that phrase really means. You see I am faulty. I am not perfect. And it is only thru the Grace of God that I grow and learn and change and have the ability to become a useful tool for His goodwill. And truly, the people who affected me then and who affect me now are the ones that matter most. No matter positive or negative influence, the affect and how I handle their momentary collision with my life is what will ultimately shape my final being.

I am a creation much like the Phoenix. I live a life of hot pursuit only to become a pile of ashes as evening falls. And with the rising of the Son I am renewed. Hopefully, I come out wiser.

So, here I am. Imperfect. But being made more perfect thru the understanding and gleaning of knowledge and wisdom. This blog is to restore Your Hope. Despair and Depression have no place here. But rather, here lay Hope. The hope that comes from freedom. Freedom to proclaim and discuss thoughts. To read of uplifting promises. To exist without being judged. And to in time lay your heart open before the Lord. Then may you too be used to fulfill His good will.

Yours Truly,
Earnestly Seeking God's Answers

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